Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:25:18 AM.


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Saturday, August 13, 2005

A picture named Song.jpg
The BBC is sold on song. Check out their songwriting game.
1:06:31 PM    

"A state may harbor and sponsor terrorists, but eliminating the state cannot and will not eliminate the terrorists. They receive support but are not dependent on it or those who give it. Terrorists are ofter compared to cancerous tumors that destroy themselves when they destroy their hosts, but they are actually much more like mobile parasites who live in host bodies but can move from host to host as they infect and destroy the systems off which they live. The Taliban are gone, al-Qaeda lives. The era of Saddam Hussein is over, the era of Jihad against America is just getting under way."
From Fear's Empire - War, Terrorism and Democracy by Benjamin R. Barber.

In fact there exists a symbiosis between the terrorists and the neocons who are claiming they are fighting them. In order to establish a Western capitalist hegemony and a global capitalist empire the neocon power brokers will need to consolidate their power both abroad and internally by brutal force. It will only be possible to obtain absolute freedom for an American corporate empire by subduing foreign nations and its own work force. This can only be done by creating an enemy that needs to be conquered, an enemy that will consolidate and unify the Western neocon ideology and get the people behind it under the pretext their 'way of life' is threatened. Our way of life is threatened by terrorists and by our own rulers.
Bush and Blair are constantly talking about 'protecting our way of life'. They mean our wealth. No, not yours, but theirs, the wealth of corporate America and corporate Europe. For their wars to protect their wealth they will need your money, they will break down your civil rights and your social welfare. Their so-called war against terror is actually a war against people. And each day they are creating more 'terrorists', and most of these are only fighting to protect their own 'way of life'.
If America attacks Iran or bombs their nuclear facilities you can bet on it several more millions of 'terrorists' will rise up.

"If democracy is the goal of American policy in Iraq, as President Bush repeatedly says it is - not eliminating WMD, not controlling Middle East oil, not removing a dictator guilty of genocide - then with the Sunni walkout from government and Kurdish intransigence over federalism and Kirkuk, that policy is nearing breakdown. But democracy was always only an after-thought, and anyway never really on offer in the first place.
Before the US proconsul Paul Bremer left Baghdad, he enacted 100 orders as chief of the occupation authority in Iraq. Perhaps the most infamous was Order 39 which decreed that 200 Iraqi state companies would be privatised, that foreign companies could have complete control of Iraqi banks, factories and mines, and that these companies could transfer all of their profits out of Iraq. The 'reconstruction' of the country amounts in effect to wholesale privatisation of the economy and is little short of economic colonisation."

If reason and justice were the leading principles of the reigning neocon ideology, Bush and Blair would long have been arrested and put on trial for war crimes. The problem is it is all a matter of pure greed and power. Arguments and facts won't help. Criminals and morons are not susceptible to reason and justice.

"But more ominous, perhaps, than the occupation of Iraq is the occupation of the US. I wake up in the morning, read the newspaper, and feel that we are an occupied country, that some alien group has taken over. I wake up thinking: the US is in the grip of a president surrounded by thugs in suits who care nothing about human life abroad or here, who care nothing about freedom abroad or here, who care nothing about what happens to the earth, the water or the air, or what kind of world will be inherited by our children and grandchildren."

The culture in the leading neocon party, the Grand Old Party, is a culture of corruption and greed.
12:45:09 PM    

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