Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:47:39 AM.


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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Independent: "Amnesty International has launched a scathing attack on Microsoft, Yahoo! and Google for kow-towing to the censorship of the Chinese government."
12:10:33 PM    

"Die Wahrheit hilft einem gar nichts, wenn man jemanden überzeugen will!"
The truth won't help you at all when you want to convince someone.

The above is a quote from lngo Schulze's book Neue Leben. Schulze is one of the best young German writers.
The only refuge of truth in these times is in literature. Our writers have to carry the candle across and keep it burning.

The quote is a sad truth. In politics lying is compulsory and it also seems many people don't want to hear the truth. We live in interesting times. Lying has always been an integral part of politics, but nowadays it constitutes the core of our civilization. Our civilization is a lie. We shout 'liberty' and 'freedom' and only unleash war. The hooligans reign.

Independent: "Capping a miserable G8 summit for Tony Blair, President George Bush has spurned an offer from the Prime Minister to go to the Middle East as a peacemaker, after deciding that he would rather send the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice.
Mr Blair tried again, suggesting that the Americans could not afford to have their Secretary of State go into the region and come away empty handed, whereas, he said, 'I can go out and just talk'. At his press conference later, Mr Blair confirmed that the trip was off."

Mr Blair would 'go out and just talk'. In other words, Blair suggested to go through all the movements and blablablah about peace and diplomacy, while not doing anything to bring peace about, 'just talk'.
Blair's professed allegiance to the 'Make Poverty History' campaign is a great farce. It is only meant to keep his rank and file happy. All those summits have not resulted in very much, apart from the usual 'if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'. Just talk. And spin.
And that's what many government leaders are doing, telling us how concerned they are about the bombing, but at the same time providing the bombs.

What is the truth in the case of the bombing of Gaza and Lebanon? It is a fact that the two Israeli soldiers who were captured by the Hezbollah had illegally entered Lebanon and were set up to provide an alibi for attacking Lebanon and Gaza; the plans for war had been drawn up months before by the Israeli government.

Even when conservative anger grow's over Bush's foreign policy, nothing is done to stop the war criminals.

Truth is difficult to get at, and it is one-sided. Lies have millions of ways to express themselves. Truth stands naked, always under attack by the multitude of lies. Criminals and liars have an advantage over honest people. They can disguise their real intentions in innumerable ways. When they talk about 'freedom and liberty' they mean money and power, and you are sure blood will flow.

The corruption of our democratic system has gone very far. Even judges take part in the cover-up.
Guardian: "The public must be prevented from learning the contents of a conversation between Tony Blair and President George Bush about the conduct of the war in Iraq - crucial evidence in a forthcoming official secrets trial - an Old Bailey judge ruled yesterday."

The build-up towards a global take-over by the US is going full force.
RawStory: "The United States Missile Defense Agency is planning to build a radar facility connected to America's ballistic missile defenses systems somewhere in the Caucasus Mountains."
This has nothing to do with defense but with control of the area. It is a flagrant act of aggression towards Russia. The US would never allow Russia to build a similar facility close to the American border.

The US is an exporter of war and death, not freedom and liberty.
CommonDreams: "Peace activists from the non-governmental School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) will tour Chile, Peru and Ecuador in August to persuade the governments of those countries not to send any more military personnel to the training centre in the U.S. state of Georgia.
The former School of the Americas, now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), still bears the stigma of having trained thousands of military personnel in the techniques of repression, personnel who were subsequently involved in the bloodiest dictatorships in the region during recent decades."
11:38:20 AM    

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