Another day in Paradise
Steve Sloan's weblog. A bit tech, a bit bikes, a bit family, a bit friends, a bit scooters, a bit photo, a bit trains, a bit fun. Eight bits; that's a byte!


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  Friday, June 4, 2004

Just a week ago we went to Paso!

Relaxing at GWBR

Was it just a week ago?
We really had a good time at the Rally. It was a packed event. We could almost share tent pegs, the tents were so close. We were camping within sight of the old SP coast line and we could see the UP freights and Amtrak trains go through town. We also enjoyed the car show a lot. It was a lot of fun and we built up a number of happy memories.

Kenneth got sick
Ken got a major sunburn at GWBR. The other night he got ill and we thought it might be related to the rally. It turns out he has migraines. He got medication which we hope will prevent another episode.

3:13:12 PM    comment []

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Last update: 7/1/04; 6:54:32 AM.

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