Another day in Paradise
Steve Sloan's weblog. A bit tech, a bit bikes, a bit family, a bit friends, a bit scooters, a bit photo, a bit trains, a bit fun. Eight bits; that's a byte!


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  Sunday, June 27, 2004

The Graduate

Photo- Sue adjusting Jeff's tassel

Yesterday was a big day. Jeff graduated from Junior College. We are all very proud of his accomplishment. He has worked a long time, and a lot of hard hours, to finish his degree. In the fall he will be going to night school at San Jose State as he continues his studies and works for his BA degree in business. We are all very proud of Jeff!

It has been a busy weekend. With the help of Nicole's father George and Susie, I made shish kabobs from a recipe of Candy's, Jeff's mother. It started for us on Thursday with the shopping at Costco and Albertson's for the ingredients. The work continued on Friday with the preparing of the kabobs. Then Saturday morning we attended the very nice graduation. Saturday, after the graduation, there was a fun party at Kathy, Nicole's mother's house. Ken helped cook the kabobs. We cooked lots of kabobs. It was great fun and everybody seemed to really like them. It was a great celebration and lots of fun.

10:13:12 PM    comment []

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Last update: 7/1/04; 6:54:52 AM.

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