The adjustment has not been easy for Tupper

Tupper is older and set in her ways. She is a very subtle cat with a quiet and gentle ways of communicating with us. She is like a mime. She never meows except when going to the vet.
The tom kittens, especially Pixel, have much more assertive personalities. When they come out of Ken's room they walk down the hall, one on each side. They are like hunting lions, working together, seeking the best angle to flank any potential prey. The closest thing they have to prey is Tupper.
I am sure it will be easier for her once the boys are tamed down a bit. For now she often tries to put them in their place, but the tom kittens almost always win. It reminds me of a battle between an old World War 2 B-17 bomber and a couple of German Messershmits. Tupper is more than twice their size. She turns and tries to defend herself and they circle and strike from her most vulnerable angle; her rear. The ending is pretty predictable. She runs away, she hides and she sulks. To them it is all a fun game.
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