I want to salute someone special!
Today is the birthday of someone who has greatly increased both my
capability as a cyclist and my awareness of great places to ride my
bicycle. The rides I have gone on with him, and our mutual friends,
have challenged me physically and introduced me to other people who have
become dear friends of mine. I would like to thank him for all he has
done for me and our club. I owe him
a lot and admire his accomplishments. Happy Birthday
(I hope I got the day right)
SJSU Photojournalism Prof Weblogging
I urge folks to check out this weblog by JMC Prof Dennis Dunleavy.
I am really impressed with what he is doing.
In my opinion it is an exciting way to extend the classroom out into the
world and to invite the professional community into the classroom. I see
all kinds of potential in partnering and collaboration that this sort of
community building can bring to us.
Fran update
Nothing definitive on her condition. We saw her last night and left there late. They are doing more tests and suspect she may have had a minor heart attack.
12:55:56 PM