In the comments to yesterday's post about Councilwoman Johnson's weblog, Sue suggested that it might be a good idea to offer a get together of interested local guvment officials to introduce them to blogs. Roch likes the idea and suggests holding the seminar at the library and JW said she'd be happy to help. I like it, too, and would like to be involved as well.
However, Ross came in with some concerns, "...Who would be making the "brief introductory presentation"? What kind of blogs would these be personal, offical, political or otherwise? What vendor software would be recommended? Would all vendors have an equal oppurtunity to represent their products? Would the "blogger mentor" job be to facilate comfort in using the tools or to dictate their application?"
All good questions, but they wouldn't have been my first thoughts on such an endeavor. The idea was just floated yesterday so first let's see if there is actual interest in such an effort before we work out the seating arrangements and such. To that end, Sue over at SouthernRants has ideas a' flowin' to get folks involved.
Update: Cone weighs in and starts more conversation.
10:21:40 AM  