Interesting start.
I said hello to City Attorney Blair Carr and asked her if she thought it would be any problem for me to blog the Council meeting. She said there should be no problem as long as there is room at the three person press desk. "But if the media needs the seats and hook-ups you'd have to move.", she said as my hackles sat straight up.
Why? "Because they are reserved for the media" The media? As defined by who? "The City."
I mean, are there certain credentials I need to obtain? "No." So what defines 'the media'? "We do."
Two of the seats were taken up by the Rhino's John Hammer and Alan Bulluck and the N&R's Williams had the third. Since Alan didn't require a telephone line, John graciously asked him to sit behind the press desk so I could have access to the modem hook-up. So I'm in.. for now. If another 'real' media person requires one of these seat, there might be fisticuffs.
I just wiped out my play-by-play entries about tonight's Council session because I went back and read them and found my take to be quite boring and disjointed. The guys to either side of me are very good at covering any big stories that might happen here so anything I might have say is inadequate by my standards. So I'm not going to do this like I envisioned.
I find that attempting to write about events as they happen is an ineffective way to add to blog. I can't concentrate on what is being said, nor can I concentrate on what I am trying to say. Political stream of consciousness live-blogging will take some practice. It is much better, I think, to take it all in... take notes... reflect on what transpired... and then write about what I think I can add to the story.
Anyway... I would have voted to adopt the water-for-billboards (N&R) resolution. I think that if a county property owner wants to play in the City, they should have to abide by the city's rules. An easy decision for me. The measure failed on a 4 to 5 vote, so the powerful teaming up of TREBIC and the billboard pushers to oppose the measure was an effective strategy. (See what I mean about disjointed? Most people have no idea what I just said)
In councilmembers comments toward the end of the meeting, Tom Phillips is raising the concern that the city has no way to know if a property is a rental propertry or not. His thinking goes that there is no way for the city to issue a rental occupancy certficate if the city can't determine what needs to be inspected under the RUCO ordinance.
My observation. There is no way the city will ever know about all of the rental properties because sometimes people just decide to rent out their houses and move to the beach. Why would we even want to try to keep up - it just seems like such a waste of stretched city resources. Why don't we just rescind RUCO as being unenforcable from a practical standpoint and concentrate on the really substandard rental housing and leave everyone else alone.
I just went outside during the Council's recess with Mayor Pro Tem Johnson. She said she has directed that her weblog's comments are to be enabled in order to better facilitate conversations.
I then asked her if she was going to run for Mayor this year. She has always said that she will only run if Mayor Keith Holliday decides to not run for a third term. She said, "I can't get Keith to give me an answer, but my feeling is that he is going to run again."
I had an interesting conversation with Council members Sandy Carmany and Tom Phillips after the meeting adjourned.
Tom will be starting his weblog by week's end and has been working with a prominent local blogger to get it launched, but he had other things to offer as well.
I suppose I knew on some level that every correspondence generated by or sent to an elected official that concerns the public's business becomes the property of the public. Of course anything that Tom or others might write on a weblog is very public and would easily satisfy the law. The problem comes with any e-mail that someone might send to him 'in the background'. There will be no such thing as 'off the record' with an elected official's blog. So every email that someone might send to Tom via blog link will go into his City Council inbox.
I wondered if that was why councilwoman Yvonne Johnson's blog administrator kept insisting that her blog was a 'personal' entity. Tom said that was now a moot point because she made a post about City Council business today. So from here on out... all correspondence sent to or from her blog is public information.
Sandy has been reading this blog since I first started in '03 and sees the value of the medium She says she would like to attend the proposed teach-in but really doesn't see how she would find the time to actually keep a weblog going.
She says she can see how having one would be helpful during the times when the council is considering very contentious and divisive issues, but that it might be a bit tedious for the everyday agenda of sewer line extentions. Good point, you'd have to be a real good writer to make much of what comes before the council into an interesting read.
6:14:12 PM  