Here's the draft version of what Greensboro's new noise ordinance might look like if adopted by the City Council. The City Attorney's office has also provided some 'splainin' of many of the ordinance's parameters here.
Some background....
Last summer a group of citizens and other interested parties were assembled to develop a new noise ordinance for Greensboro. The re-think was prompted by a City Council adopted amendment to our current ordinance back in May, 04. That amendment was intended (4/18/04 City Council minutes p13) to extend the operating hours for certain events in our center city, but it created some real confusion and outcry among downtown neighborhood residents.
In response, Council members Phillips and Carmany came in an set me straight on what the ordinance amendment actually accomplished but everyone seemed to agree that our current mish-mash of noise regulations was severely lacking. So in a subsequent meeting, the Council charged the City Attorney's office with the task of taking a fresh look at our current noise ordinances. To that end, assistant city attorney Terry Wood contacted several 'stakeholders' and scheduled a bunch of meetings to hash things out . He and his staff obviously did a lot of listening and took copious notes to come up with such a comprehensive ordiance.
So now is your chance. Take a read of the draft ordinance and put your two cents worth in here and I'll get them over to Terry's office.
11:35:18 PM  