Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:21:05 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Friday, July 22, 2005

Mathew Gross suggests I should: "...Pass this one on to all your knuckle-headed FoxNews-watching friends."  Well here you go.

Matt points to David Corn's transcript of today's testimony by former CIA case officer James Marcinkowski before the Senate Democratic Policy Council about the effect of the Valerie Plame outing within the spook community... and beyond.

"Understandable to all Americans is a simple, incontrovertible, but damning truth: the United States government exposed the identity of a clandestine officer working for the CIA. ...Each time the leader of a political party opens his mouth in public to deflect responsibility, the word overseas is loud and clear--politics in this country does in fact trump national security..."

"...Those who would advocate the "I'm ok, you're ok" politics of non-responsibility, should probably think about the impact of those actions on our foreign agents. Non-responsibility means we don't care. Not caring means a loss of security. A loss of security means a loss of an agent. The loss of an agent means the loss of information. The loss of information means an increase in the risk to the people of the United States..."  Read the whole thing.

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Yeah, we're back.  We left out of Orlando around 6:30p Wednesday after the Wreckers final game (which they lost).  During that game Jesse made a wonderful outfield catch so he was pumped up all the way home - we finally arrived on Cypress Street around 3:00a yesterday.  All in all, a great trip.

I got up yesterday in plenty of time to drive Jinni over to her 9th post-surgery chemo treatment.  She has now recieved two of the lower dosages of Taxatere and her body is tolerating it remarkably well.  The other chemo related development is that she went ahead and got her head shaved while we were gone because her hair was thinning very quickly.  I suppose if you are going to have a shaved head, the current hot weather is a good time to improve one's cranial ventilation.  She looks good (nearly) bald - just as she did the last time she lost her hair back in January.  Three more treatments to go and we will be shed of that part of our lives.

Other than that I have not stopped since awakening yesterday morning.  I have been attempting to return all the phone calls and reply to all of the emails I received over the past 10 days.  The correspondence was a healthy mix of a business, personal and public nature.  If I still owe you a reply - I'll get to it.


I have been keeping up with all of the local goings-on and plan to enter into the various frays when I find a good jumping-on point.  But right now I'm still in a vacation state of mind when it comes to all of the important stuff happening in our little burg.

The big question is if I have decided to run for City Council or not?  I have made up my mind both ways about seven times now which gives me pause.  A good friend sagely advised me yesterday that unless I am 100% committed to the process I should probably wait.  Well I've been 100% as recently as yesterday, and then my resolve gets kicked down a notch or two when I let the realities of my current station in life seep back into the big picture.

So, you'll know when I know.

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