Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:21:08 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ben Hwang is often heard railing against the traditional internet technology (IT) hierarchy, but rarely with such straightforward language...

...Usually these are the same numbskulls that have never touched a linux box in their life, don't know what CLI means, think open-source software means no support, and are paid somewhere between 50k-100k for technical fervor equivalent to a wet blanket.

I asked Ben one time about why he thinks local IT organizations like Guilford County Schools and the City of Greensboro won't give him the time of day when he suggests (for free) open source based ways to improve their departments and save a ton of taxpayer money in the process.  The only reason he could think of for their continued spurning is because they might consider him to be a young whipper-snapper who just doesn't understand the system.

That is just so not true.  Ben understands 'the system' better than 'the system' understands itself.  That is why he is working so hard to change it all.  Who is Ben?... you ask.  This is Ben (N&R)  Listen to him.

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I received an email from Roch over at Greensboro101.com this morning...

Dear David,
I'm pleased to announce the new ad network for Greensboro bloggers. You can learn all about it at www.AltMedia101.com. I hope you'll participate.
Roch Smith Jr.

I think Roch has put together a very fair schedule of compensation for blogs who participate in 101's ad network.  The thing I really like is that he has recognized that the cadre of local bloggers might be the site's best sales force and they will be  nicely paid for their effort.  From the bloggers' information page"...20% of the collected ad revenue is set aside for commissions/referral fees."

I've signed up, you should too, especially if you are a local advertiser who needs to "...Reach involved, civic-minded consumers..." in Guilford County and beyond.

I've often said that I'm not into blogging for the money, but if there is a possibility of money flowing into my bank account by doing nothing more than what I'll be doing anyway... I'm all fer it.

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