Dave's Mormon Inquiry Weblog
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  Monday, November 10, 2003

THE WEST The Grandest Enterprise Under God

Ken Burns' PBS Series "The West" had a segment in Episode Five entitled "The Woman's Exponent," highlighting the impact of the cross-country railroad on Brigham Young's Utah.  KQED in San Francisco aired this episode Monday night.  The segment highlights Emmeline Wells, accomplished LDS pre-feminist and seventh wife of Daniel Wells.  Click here for an informative bio snippet and photo of this determined Mormon suffragette, who helped secure the vote for women in Utah in 1870.  Of course, the United States required Utah to quash women's voting rights in 1896 as a condition of granting statehood to Utah.  Let's see, crusading and enlightened do-gooders liberate the oppressed women of Utah by . . . suppressing their right to vote which had been supported by those domineering misogynist patriarchs? 10:11:14 PM      

LDS Symbolism on Display: BYU NewsNet reports here Richard Oman, senior conservator at the Museum of Church History and Art, spoke about the exterior symbolism of the Salt Lake Temple on Thursday in the Maeser Building Auditorium. . . .  '[Richard is] working a lot with people in the church to help them be more aware of the symbolism in the church. He quotes a lot from the scriptures of what temple construction should consist of,' said Deirdre Paulsen of BYU.

And, for a real kick, sneak over to this link at the Museum of Church History of Art and check out the slick 3-D rotating views of sculpture-like artwork by noted LDS amateur artist Boyd K. Packer.  This will make your day, I guarantee it. 9:37:27 PM      

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Last update: 3/3/2004; 12:02:13 AM.