Updated: 4/29/2004; 4:41:31 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Saturday, January 03, 2004

Gray days...

Winters here can be enchanting. Despite the cold, we often have blue skies and a pretty blanket of white over everything, red holly berries poking through the snow, kids sledding down the hill. I can get bundled up and go for a walk in town or to visit the horses up the street and come back pink-cheeked and refreshed. Not today. The ground is bare and brown and we seem to be stuck in a period of gray drizzle at 40-something degrees F. It’s like a giant dirty sock has been soaked in a cold puddle and draped around us. I have many things to do and don’t want to do any of them. I just want to sleep.


Since I hadn’t exercised in almost a week, today I finally got on my bike, which is on a trainer in my office. While pedaling I read some of Spanish Lessons, about a British journalist and his Canadian wife who move to southern Spain. He writes of finding their house, which is surrounded by orange and lemon trees, plums and apricots. Last night my housemate and I watched "Chocolat," with Juliette Binoche and Johhny Depp. Instead of fruit trees, that story is steeped in chocolate and also some rather nice clothing. I am in escapist mode. The next few days look like more of the same weather, except that the rain might mix with sleet. I am going to have to shake this off. I have lots to do…


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