Updated: 4/20/2004; 8:26:05 AM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Friday, January 30, 2004

Friday Five, chocolate version

Well, I didn’t win a million dollars, but something almost as good. A little while back I apparently posted the 1000th comment at Twilight Café and the prize is the food of the gods – chocolate! And not just any chocolate, but Ibarra chocolate from chocolate's Aztec homeland, Mexico. It just arrived today – Thanks, Alicia! By the way, Alicia posted chocolate recipes, including a great one for hot chocolate, and some additional links.


So I thought I should ask the same questions as today’s Friday Five (see previous post), only with my real prize:


1. Who do you call first?

I didn’t call anybody. I created this post instead.


2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself make with it?

I think probably hot chocolate. But sometime soon I may attempt a mole sauce.


3. What is the first thing you buy for Will you share it with someone else?

I’ll offer my housemate some of the hot chocolate. Maybe I’ll invite someone to dinner when I try out the mole sauce. (I’d invite ya, Alicia, but it’s a long way from Texas!)


4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?

Not a chance.


5. Do you invest any? If so, how?

Hmm, like save some for later? I should hope so. All this chocolate at once would give me a heart attack.


I should also note that I just started reading Laura Esquivel's Como agua para chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate) en español, so this is so right on the mark.



The Friday Five

This week's Friday Five:

You have just won one million dollars:

Let me first just say, Yippeeeeee!!! Okay, now the questions…

1. Who do you call first?
My mom.

2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself?
A car. My current one has 140,000 miles on it, and it feels like it.

3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else?
Hmmm… something for my folks, I think. They’ve been very supportive to me through the downturn. Not that they need anything.

4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?
I support Save the Children. I’d probably give them some.

5. Do you invest any? If so, how?

Oh, yeah, definitely. I guess I’d talk to a financial planner. Boring answer, I know, but I don’t sit around every day thinking about how to invest a million bucks. I think about how to avoid becoming a bag lady when I get old.


I think more interesting would be to ask what you'd do in the long run. The first things for me are making up for a lack of sufficient income for the past 2 1/2 years - paying off loans and fixing things that are broken or need replacing like my refrigerator. After that is more interesting... travel, being freed up to pursue my writing outside of the corporate sphere, that kind of thing. Oh yeah, and that big party for all my friends.


Copyright 2004 © the 3rd house party hostess