I've started following the analyst firm AberdeenGroup. I like their analysis a lot. They run surveys over the Internet, then follow up with conversations. Then they link data to companies--classifying companies as "best in class," "average" or "laggards." Then they will recommend strategies for each group. You can also get a feel for where your organization fits in the scheme of things.
The latest report is "The Impact of SOA on the IT Organization." Aberdeen predicts that Global 2000 companies could save an aggregate $53 billion in IT costs over the next five years through adoption of service-oriented architecture (SOA). Here's as good an explanation of SOA as I've seen.
Aberdeen finds the top reasons for implementing SOA currently are development of new capabilities/products and re-usage of applications via Web services.
If you are involved with software and know little of SOA, then you'd better take a crash course.
9:22:01 AM