Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Music hath no charms to soothe the savage breast

"Where's the outrage in America?" Bob Dole asked repeatedly during the 1996 presidential campaign.

This week it's at the FCC, where chairman Michael Powell called Justin Timberlake's peek-a-boo reveal of Janet Jackson's right breast during the Super Bowl halftime show "deplorable" and said his agency would investigate the -- if you'll pardon the expression -- titillating incident.

This from a man who thinks nothing of turning over the public airways to rapacious multinational media moguls who would broadcast an entire reality series about Jackson's breast if they thought they could make money from it.  "The free market is my religion," Powell once said.

There's nothing like the sight of a little flesh to trigger the Puritan reflex in our national character, and since it's an election year, we can expect a lot more breast-beating about breast-baring.   It's family values time.

1:25:18 PM