Thursday, February 12, 2004

Better Living Through Chemistry

The federal indictment of four men, including Barry Bonds' personal trainer, on charges of running an illegal drug distribution operation raises the possibility that eventually, there will be an athletic competition where 100% of  the competitors are found to have taken performance-enhancing drugs.

At that point, referees and judges will have to resort to rating the athletes on a curve, the way teachers do when the entire class flunks an exam.

6:30:57 PM    

Fighting Fire with Fire

Among today's insurgent attacks in Iraq was the following, described by Terence Neilan, reporting in the New York Times:

A mortar round exploded this morning near a Japanese base in the southern town of Samawa, but no one was hurt.  Japanese troops arrived in Iraq on Sunday in the first deployment of such a force in a combat zone since World War II.

No doubt the mission of the Japanese troops is to launch kamikaze attacks on insurgent suicide bombers.

12:22:13 PM