Saturday, June 12, 2004

My Kingdom for a Hearse

En route to The Gipper's final resting place at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, the presidential hearse will make stops at a Beverly Hills taxidermist and Disney Animatronics in Burbank.

The result will be a lifelike graveside simulacrum, mouthing his familiar platitudes, bromides, catch phrases, movie lines, anecdotes, misconceptions and fabrications to an endless stream of awestruck admirers.

1:19:12 PM    

Citizen Garfunkel

Just to prove that Bush isn't the only one with a shaky purchase on the English language . . . Simon and Garfunkel were on NPR's Weekend Edition today.  Among other things, they debuted a new song, "Citizen of the Planet." Garfunkel said, "I am a big protagonist of that song," illustrating why he does not write the lyrics for Simon's songs.

Of course, Bush probably would have said something like "propeller."

1:18:08 PM