The Slat Rat Chronicles
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  Tuesday, May 20, 2003

This makes me sick. I am not necessarily a capital punishment proponent, but whoever did this needs to experience some extreme punishment:
Last night, during a birthday dinner downtown, someone maliciously released five of our [Mark and Debbie Moderow's] Iditarod dogs from our dog truck at 6th and L Street. The five dogs were seen together on the Park Strip and four of them, seasoned co-members of Debbie's team this year, circled back to the truck and were recovered with only one minor injury. The fifth, a new dog named Reno is still missing. If you could all keep your eyes open it would be greatly appreciated by my family and me. The more eyes, the better.

Reno is a 50 pound (but lean) white and black husky, with a brand new red, partially padded collar. He has been raised and trained in Denali Park and is totally un-street wise, but is in superb shape (2 Iditarods) so could be anywhere. He is also somewhat shy, so he'll probably only come to one of us even though he is well socialized. If any of you think you've see him please call either my cell at 907-250-3856 or our home at 907-346-1206 and one of us will respond right away. Thanks for any help. . .

Mark is a co-worker buddy of mine at GCI and needless to say, we've kept our eyes peeled today.
8:51:38 PM    comment []

Via Boing Boing Power Tool Drag Races.
The circular saw on Don Hurter's hybrid vehicle was supposed to act as the fourth wheel, but it didn't get enough traction. Racing his entry, which he called Emergency Donut Delivery, earlier this month at the second annual Power Tool Drag Races, Hurter was obliged to modify his contraption mid-event.

He turned it into a three-wheeler. Fortunately, the Dunkin' Donuts box on the back of the sled stayed put.

This sounds like just my kind of an event! Geek Heaven!
8:47:11 PM    comment []

So, I staggered out of bed at 5:00 AM and made it over to the Campbell Creek Science Center by 6:00 AM for the weekly Audubon bird walk. Not only was it way early but it was also way cold: 28 degrees. I dressed warmly, but I have to admit I was unprepared for winter.

Not a wide variety of birds here yet - which is in a way, good. It provides an opportunity to tune up my ear before the onslaught. This morning's birds were all bird songs. I hardly needed my bird book and binoculars at all.

Today's birds:

8:42:43 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:32:53 PM.

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