Wednesday, January 2, 2002 |
No TV interview career can be complete without a good old fashioned Rock 'n Roll story about the Stones. This one puts both the the band and myself on the spot!
11:36:39 PM
This is a wacky one, waaaay back when Mark Andriessen sent me the first pointer to Mosaic and I was running mtv.com, we used little red (and later green and yellow) balls on our web pages. Pretty soon everyone was copying redbullet.gif and using on their pages. I'm not sure where I got it from originally, but it was the first viral content I'd seen. Everything was so simple back then.
I was just browsing JRo's blog and noticed that we've come fulll circle!
7:52:35 PM
Wow, Dave launched a Mind Bomb today. A new feature to the Frontier and Radio platform fully integrates your desktop filesystem.
Or should that be filingsystem?
The new functionality literally turns that old drag and drop file /folder icon stuff into a DUI (pronn: "dewey"). A Databse User Interface, or Desktop User Interface. Driving Under Influence.
You know that age old joke about similarities between Drug Dealers and Software Developers?
I'm smokin' the pipe dude.
7:02:05 PM
Patricia just got back from grocery shopping at the local supermarket in town.
She said the checkout lines were "very long and painful". That's the primary drawback of the euro introduction it seems. Belgians can still use their francs to purchase items, but the change is in euros. Knowing the belgians, they're taking their time calculating the correctness of their change :)
We now have the 10, 50 and 100 euro notes in our wallet, I like 'em!
5:04:31 PM
It was only one year ago that Peter and I connected. Fast forward and look at the fantastic work he's achieved on "SchoolBlogs". And look how many Schoolblogs are operational!
A lot of these SchoolBlogs are being used 'under the radar' of local school 'authorities'. This year we plan to improve our tools to include everything you need to integrate the power of weblolgs into your own school or classroom.
This will include service level agreements, multiple paths to procurement and a growing community of educators and technologists, who sometimes come in the same human bundle :)
Happy New Year to all SchoolBloggers ... Carpe Diem!
3:24:22 PM
Good afternoon again from Belgium, the animals @ the castle have been fed and I took my daily tour of the grounds in stride after reading this quote from Gretel Ehrlich. "Walking is also an ambulation of mind."
2:45:27 PM
Another "We're going to stomp out Linux" memo from Microsoft has leaked out. Like there is any way to stop it...
There's a lot of information in this memo. I have respect for the competitiveness I read into the words, but am surprised that msft and other BigCos still think that an 'independent' research report will really fool their customers. Sure, in other BigCos where you never get fired for buying IBM it may still work. But any IS manager worth his or her salt would surely check out the goods the chosen 'researcher' sells.
I also love the (ps) at the borrom of the memo. Apparently using MS Exchange server gives your boss lots of control over who you forward your messages to.....
1:01:29 PM
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