Steve Jobs now understands the meaning of this weblog's tag line. There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have.
I really felt a bit sorry for Steve and I'm sure we'll hear that some webmaster at Time pulled a major boner by posting the new homepage at midnight, or perhaps forgetting that he wrote some perl script that does it automatically in their workflow.
Someone's head will roll for sure. Especially since the whole Time coverstory was supposed to be the icing on the cake!
I'm happy to see the digital hub strategy continue. I believe in it and eventually bandwidth will catch up with all the multimedia (remember that's what we used to call it) spokes in Steve's hub.
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a FedEx truck filled with freshly burned iDVD's barreling down the highway...
Finally, I really like the new iMac. It's exactly what this MacAholic absolutley needs.
Its Steve's vision, Steve's art. Its the new beetle, only this time it came out 3 years later than the original instead of 30.
All this digital hub needs now is a brain.
9:22:25 PM