XML Encryption, Decryption
XML Encryption Syntax and Processing and Decryption Transform is now a Candidate Recommendations.
[Via The W3C] #
XML Encryption Syntax and Processing and Decryption Transform is now a Candidate Recommendations.
[Via The W3C] #
Information on Canada's Consultation Meetings on Digital Copyright Issues (en français aussi) [Via Matt Goyer] #
Epicware Fire
What is Fire? It is an Multiplatform Instant Messenger client based off of freely available libraries for each "service". Currently Fire handles ICQ communication, and Yahoo! Pager communciation. All "services" are built off of gpl'd libraries, including firetalk, icqlib, and gtkyahoo (linux libraries). Fire looks somewhat like AIM (on Windows at least) but is much much more. It can handle similtaneous connections to AIM, ICQ, Yahoo , IRC, MSN and Jabber IM
[Via Archipelago] #
What is Fire? It is an Multiplatform Instant Messenger client based off of freely available libraries for each "service". Currently Fire handles ICQ communication, and Yahoo! Pager communciation. All "services" are built off of gpl'd libraries, including firetalk, icqlib, and gtkyahoo (linux libraries). Fire looks somewhat like AIM (on Windows at least) but is much much more. It can handle similtaneous connections to AIM, ICQ, Yahoo , IRC, MSN and Jabber IM
[Via Archipelago] #
IBM blasts .Net
I saw this piece (at ZDNet) about IBM dissing .Net in favour of Java. It looks like they think it's dumb to support lots of different programming languages. I wonder if this is going to turn into a public fracas? Bonne question, quel est l'avantage réel de de supporter de multiples languages qui ne sont plus les languages de base mais la version adaptée pour le CLI de MS?
[Via NewsForge: Open Source News] #
I saw this piece (at ZDNet) about IBM dissing .Net in favour of Java. It looks like they think it's dumb to support lots of different programming languages. I wonder if this is going to turn into a public fracas? Bonne question, quel est l'avantage réel de de supporter de multiples languages qui ne sont plus les languages de base mais la version adaptée pour le CLI de MS?
[Via NewsForge: Open Source News] #
PHP and Regular Expressions 101
Regular expressions needn't be tools exclusive to UNIX shell programmers and Perl gurus. As guest author Mitchell Harper explains, adding basic regular expression functions to your PHP code is simpler than you might think.
[Via WebReference News] #
Regular expressions needn't be tools exclusive to UNIX shell programmers and Perl gurus. As guest author Mitchell Harper explains, adding basic regular expression functions to your PHP code is simpler than you might think.
[Via WebReference News] #
Sur ma todo list: code for displaying what RSS channels you're subscribed to in Radio. Très nexus comme concept, voir aussi Subscription Sharing System de John Robb (si important comme concpet que je vais le traduire si j'ai le temps). #
New BlackBerry Adds Telephony
Java device supports SMS, push e-mail. Photos et discussion Slashdot.
[Via allNetDevices Wireless News] #
Java device supports SMS, push e-mail. Photos et discussion Slashdot.
[Via allNetDevices Wireless News] #
Flash: More than just eye candy.
The software maker is pitching Flash MX, the new version of the software to be announced Monday, as a one-stop resource for designing entire Web pages and associated applications. The update signifies a greatly expanded role from Flash's initial function as animation software.Comme ils ont tenté de faire avec shockwave au début, sauf que maintenant ils arrivent avec un nombre impressionant de développeurs (designers) et de parts de marché (95% des fureteurs selon leurs stats). Ca va augmenter la demande pour des programmeurs flash. En passant si vous en connaissez des bons, j'en cherche. Update: Top 10 new features et Discussion Mefi...
[Via CNET News.com] #
The software maker is pitching Flash MX, the new version of the software to be announced Monday, as a one-stop resource for designing entire Web pages and associated applications. The update signifies a greatly expanded role from Flash's initial function as animation software.Comme ils ont tenté de faire avec shockwave au début, sauf que maintenant ils arrivent avec un nombre impressionant de développeurs (designers) et de parts de marché (95% des fureteurs selon leurs stats). Ca va augmenter la demande pour des programmeurs flash. En passant si vous en connaissez des bons, j'en cherche. Update: Top 10 new features et Discussion Mefi...
[Via CNET News.com] #
Twenty-Five Percent of ASPs Have Sub-Par Security
Aye Caramba! Pas fameux...
[Via IDC Press Center - eBusiness and Internet] #
Aye Caramba! Pas fameux...
[Via IDC Press Center - eBusiness and Internet] #
Traduction de SVG 1.0
Jean Jacques Solari a annoncé la traduction de SVG 1.0 en français et invite les courageux relecteurs à consulter le document. Ce n'est pas le genre de document que j'aime lire en français, mais je tiens à encourager et supporter les initiatives de rédaction et de traduction en français le plus possible, alors je prends mon courage à deux main et je vais me taper le doc...
[Via XMLfr] #
Jean Jacques Solari a annoncé la traduction de SVG 1.0 en français et invite les courageux relecteurs à consulter le document. Ce n'est pas le genre de document que j'aime lire en français, mais je tiens à encourager et supporter les initiatives de rédaction et de traduction en français le plus possible, alors je prends mon courage à deux main et je vais me taper le doc...
[Via XMLfr] #
SWF v. SVG - Which Should You Choose?
Flash isn't the only Vector graphics format on the market. There is also SVG, the Structured Vector Graphics format: an XML-formatted, scriptable graphics format. SVG does not share Flash's ubiquitous presence on the Web. Its strengths come from its supporters and backers: Adobe and the W3C.
[Via Webmasterbase] #
Flash isn't the only Vector graphics format on the market. There is also SVG, the Structured Vector Graphics format: an XML-formatted, scriptable graphics format. SVG does not share Flash's ubiquitous presence on the Web. Its strengths come from its supporters and backers: Adobe and the W3C.
[Via Webmasterbase] #
Laurence J. Peter
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.
[Via Quotes of the Day] #
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.
[Via Quotes of the Day] #