Semantix est achetée par Convera
Convera, de Vienna, en Virginie, annonce l’acquisition de Semantix, une entreprise de Montréal qui développe des logiciels de recherche trans-linguistique et des technologies en linguistique computationnelle.
[Via Béné] #
Convera, de Vienna, en Virginie, annonce l’acquisition de Semantix, une entreprise de Montréal qui développe des logiciels de recherche trans-linguistique et des technologies en linguistique computationnelle.
[Via Béné] #
Self-Organization and Identification of Web Communities
Despite the decentralized, unorganized, and heterogeneous nature of the web, where millions of individuals with different backgrounds, cultures, and goals operate independently, the study shows that the structure of the web self-organizes into communities of related information. The study shows that a remarkable degree of order emerges from the independent linking actions of individuals...
[Via cognitiveArchitects News] #
Despite the decentralized, unorganized, and heterogeneous nature of the web, where millions of individuals with different backgrounds, cultures, and goals operate independently, the study shows that the structure of the web self-organizes into communities of related information. The study shows that a remarkable degree of order emerges from the independent linking actions of individuals...
[Via cognitiveArchitects News] #
News Google subdomain
News now available from I expect this space to grow into a full-fledge service, possibly even as a tab, with a focus on news and blogs (à la Daypop, Morevista). A news: advanced syntax might come handy too (currently the shortest span you can restrict a search on is three months, also hacking the url lets you change that to 1 month).
[Via Web Voice] #
News now available from I expect this space to grow into a full-fledge service, possibly even as a tab, with a focus on news and blogs (à la Daypop, Morevista). A news: advanced syntax might come handy too (currently the shortest span you can restrict a search on is three months, also hacking the url lets you change that to 1 month).
[Via Web Voice] #
An attempt to create a flexible, yet simple, API, running via XML-RPC & SOAP, for various web applications running on heterogeneous platforms to communicate and interact. Aaron is involved in this project je pense, and he points to the BlogML discussion group... complémentaire certainement. Je garde les yeux ouverts! #
An attempt to create a flexible, yet simple, API, running via XML-RPC & SOAP, for various web applications running on heterogeneous platforms to communicate and interact. Aaron is involved in this project je pense, and he points to the BlogML discussion group... complémentaire certainement. Je garde les yeux ouverts! #
A lengthy posting from Nicholas Lehuen which provides a thorough review of the successes (few) and failings (many) of WAP. There's more here. [Via Eclectic] #
No .Net Advantage and Just Say .Nyet. Some very valid questions raised.
[Via Sam Ruby's Radio Weblog] #
[Via Sam Ruby's Radio Weblog] #