A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Responding to James Gosling
James Gosling answered some questions about his view of Java vs. .NET. Here's my take on his take.

[Via Simon Fell#  

Non-English Characters in Flash MX - Macromedia Responds
Lee Thomason from Macromedia has cleared up some of the issues with using non-english characters in Flash MX - see the Bugs/Issues page of the Flash Blog for more info. #  

Ximian likely to port Mono project to OS X [Via Hack the Planet#  

Pour les geeks occupés, Alterslash est un excellent digest de Slashdot... #  

MS Office runs on Linux now
How many times have you heard, "Linux won't be viable on the desktop until it can run MS Office?" Now it can. Are we satisfied yet?
[Via NewsForge#  

Preparing for the coming era of participatory news
The Internet means now everyone is a journalist - or can be.
[Via JD's New Media Musings#  

New BEEP Library for P2P and Network Applications
PermaBEEP for Java as Open Source. It provides a complete toolkit for writing applications that use the Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol [RFC 3080]. BEEP is an IETF standards-track protocol framework for new Internet applications that solves many problems in network application development. This library is efficient, easy-to-use, and provides full tools for MIME and XML processing in Java.

App Blends Java, .NET Messaging
Enables .NET use of Java messaging platform. Nice middleware, nice...
[Via allNetDevices Wireless News#  

CIOs split on Web services picks
Chief information officers are divided when it comes to choosing between Microsoft and Java technologies for Web services, according to a new study from Merrill Lynch. Ni l'un ni l'autre? Les deux en même temps? N'est-ce pas là un des objectif des Web Services, du code sur plusieurs machines, peu importe le OS ou le language de programmation? Oh boy, il reste du chemin à faire, le pire c'est qu'il y a des CIO ou CTO qui prennent des décisions importantes basées sur des articles du genre.
[Via CNET News.com#  

Le début d'un bon thread sur DSSO, Decentralized Single Sign-On... #  

NewsInEssence: Web-based News Summarization
A team of researchers at the University of Michigan has developed NewsInEssence, a free, Web-based service that automates the collection of multiple, related news stories concerning a given event that users selects. Quel bon concept, surtout si on peut l'appliquer à n'importe quelle source... puissant! A première vue ca fonctionne par reconnaissance textuelle/contextuelle.
[Via UMBC AgentWeb#  

Holding our email hostage
Just as terrorists win when they trigger a breakdown in the system, the spammers, through their unwitting agents and amplifiers, the blackhole vigilantes, seem to be on the verge of causing email providers to create larger and larger disconnects among us poor users.
[Via Tomalak's Realm#  

Does Open Source Software Really Work?
This article on NewsFactor does a decent job of covering some of the issues facing Open Source Software (OSS). It points to Linux's growth area, non-mission critical projects in mid-sized companies, and it's main weakness, the desktop. It also briefly discusses Linux's potential growth into mission critical applications if scalability issues are addressed. Quick easy read. 
[Via Slashdot#  

Matt commenting the Abe Lincoln and the internet pirates article.

In his piece the 359th richest person in America urges us not to steal...  The real crime here is (Disney's) lack of innovation and willingness. We're 'pirates' simply because there is no other alternative. Please give me that alternative.

[Via the Matt Goyer weblog]


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03/27/2002; 12:47:40 PM

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Commentaires par YACCS