A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Monday, March 25, 2002

wblgml by Aaron
Grab the dtd and an example xml file. Cool, une dtd! Vachement intéressant! #  

JY: I will master characters encodings!
Je vais suivre avec intérêt... #  

Sizing Up StarOffice 6.0 lire aussi l'article sur Newsforge.
J'ai téléchargé la dernière version d'OpenOffice pour windows et linux, je test ça au cours des prochains jours...
[Via Slashdot#  

How to Read a Press Release
A press release with the brand names changed has been annotated at CIO magazine. It's like those wonderfuly nasty dissections they do of official documents in Harper's Magazine. Tellement drôle parce que tellement vrai...
[Via More Like This WebLog#  

Un nouveau meta-chercheur impressionnant [Via Allergic sur pssst!#  

Top Ten things that trip people up in XSLT by Mike Kay.
[Via Eclectic#  

Craig Burton on the NY Times Article on how Sun is going to "Extend its Lead" by providing an alternative to .Net.
  1. .Net and Java terminology make it extremely difficult to understand what is happening in the news.
  2. Java already is a partial alternative to .Net.
  3. Finally, the Java Runtime on lots of cell phones does not translate into a web services lead for Sun.
Allez lire son analyse complète, ca vaut le détour...

[Via Craig Burton: logs, links, life, and lexicon#  

March 2002
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03/25/2002; 11:52:58 AM

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