XSLT Support for Frontier/Radio
Last week I asked the Frontier developer's list about support for XSLT. André Radke is looking at integrating the Gnome libxml2 and libxslt tools with Frontier.This will be a boon for people who hate writing outline renderers! Thanks André! That would be sooo cool!
[More Like This WebLog] #
Last week I asked the Frontier developer's list about support for XSLT. André Radke is looking at integrating the Gnome libxml2 and libxslt tools with Frontier.This will be a boon for people who hate writing outline renderers! Thanks André! That would be sooo cool!
[More Like This WebLog] #
Instant Outliners
This page is deliberately hard to find for now. It'll get easier to find later as the bootstrap progresses. For now think of these as notes that I want to be sure get communicated when we start promoting the use of the Instant Outliner. Pas pour très longtemps!
[Aaron Swartz: The Weblog] #
This page is deliberately hard to find for now. It'll get easier to find later as the bootstrap progresses. For now think of these as notes that I want to be sure get communicated when we start promoting the use of the Instant Outliner. Pas pour très longtemps!
[Aaron Swartz: The Weblog] #
La dernière édition de Linux Magazine a un bon article d'introduction sur RUBY. C'est un language intéressant, avec des variable on typées et une base orienté-objet... I like it, je pense que je vais m'y mettre, plusieurs version (linux, win) et de la doc sur cette page. #
Although I am not a Christian, I love reading the King James Version of the Bible (particularly the New Testament). I have a number of Christian friends whom I greatly respect, mainly because there is no discernable difference between their beliefs and their behavior. Il touche un des points qui m'a fait respecter puis vivre la foi protestante évangélique, la perspective de la vraie vie... le refus du mysticisme comme but, mais aussi l'acceptation que tout ne s'explique pas facilement non plus...
[Via a long toughtful piece by Jonathon Delacour] #
Although I am not a Christian, I love reading the King James Version of the Bible (particularly the New Testament). I have a number of Christian friends whom I greatly respect, mainly because there is no discernable difference between their beliefs and their behavior. Il touche un des points qui m'a fait respecter puis vivre la foi protestante évangélique, la perspective de la vraie vie... le refus du mysticisme comme but, mais aussi l'acceptation que tout ne s'explique pas facilement non plus...
[Via a long toughtful piece by Jonathon Delacour] #
IBM, BEA in server-software dead heat
Each company now holds 34 percent of the market for Java-based application-server software used to run e-commerce and other Web site transactions, a study shows.
[Via CNET News.com] #
Each company now holds 34 percent of the market for Java-based application-server software used to run e-commerce and other Web site transactions, a study shows.
[Via CNET News.com] #
Bob Crosley: I think the news aggregator is the key. It does a great deal of my surfing for me. Right on! Pour moi aussi, c'est une des raisons principales pour mon choix de Radio comme plateforme de blogging. Je load mes feeds le matin et je blog offline dans le train (quand je ne croises pas Martine)
[Via Scripting News] #
[Via Scripting News] #
RDF Primer Working Draft Published
The RDF Core Working Group has released the first public Working Draft of the RDF Primer. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general-purpose language for representing information in the Web. This primer provides the fundamentals required to use RDF in applications. Nice. Va bien falloir que je m'y lance pour vrai dans cette toile sémantique!
[Via The W3C] #
The RDF Core Working Group has released the first public Working Draft of the RDF Primer. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general-purpose language for representing information in the Web. This primer provides the fundamentals required to use RDF in applications. Nice. Va bien falloir que je m'y lance pour vrai dans cette toile sémantique!
[Via The W3C] #
Karl a de super photos de ce que notre ciel de printemps nous jette dessus ces derniers jours... en passant, j'aime bien son redesign, joli et fonctionnel, chaque titre est un permalink d'archive (oui, c'était mon erreur, ca existait avant mais pas évident à trouver). Pas de permalink d'article visible dans le browser par contre, mais je suppose que c'est une question de goûts personnels... #
Ah ben! La relation incestueuse en Google et mon blog ne cessera jamais de m'impressionner, cherchez pour Google en Francais pour vous en rendre compte!!!
[Via les referer logs de mon weblog Radio] #
[Via les referer logs de mon weblog Radio] #
Professional Forum Spammers
They go out and find forums that are ontopic to a customers needs and they carefully spam the forum to acquire link backs, name dropping, and often direct url dropping to bring back customers. The problem? They are getting so good at it. Ayoye!
[Via WebmasterWorld] #
They go out and find forums that are ontopic to a customers needs and they carefully spam the forum to acquire link backs, name dropping, and often direct url dropping to bring back customers. The problem? They are getting so good at it. Ayoye!
[Via WebmasterWorld] #
Microsoft Releases Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 4 SP 1
...Offers a number of new features and improvements over the MSXML 3.0, including support for the XML Schema language and substantially faster parser and XSLT engine. MSXML 4.0 SP1 is a complete replacement for MSXML 4.0 RTM
[Via The XML Cover Pages] #
...Offers a number of new features and improvements over the MSXML 3.0, including support for the XML Schema language and substantially faster parser and XSLT engine. MSXML 4.0 SP1 is a complete replacement for MSXML 4.0 RTM
[Via The XML Cover Pages] #