Drivel: It would be outrageous to deepen the Columbia River three more feet just to allow bigger ships through. The commerce and pollution already flowing into the river from passing ships and industry along the river is already at dangerous levels, despite weak measure to clean it up. There are no less than two nuclear facilities on the Columbia River, the most of any river in the country. Sturgeon fishing is a big past time and business on the river. Deepening it would destroy the ability to fish for Sturgeon, let alone impact the already dwindling Salmon population that return up the river. Don't let this happen. Simply build a new port in Astoria. Why Longview and Portland are the largest ports on the Columbia River at 45 miles and 65 miles into the river, I have no idea. There should be something at the river's mouth.
In the Northwest, a Fight to Deepen a Ship Channel. A plan to dredge parts of the Columbia River in Oregon is being opposed by coastal fishermen and environmentalists. By Sam Howe Verhovek. [New York Times: Science] 10:55:27 AM