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Monday, April 8, 2002

Drivel:  Here's a hot scoop for all you Enron and Andersen watchers out there.  Andersen is laying off 7,000 employees without severance tonight, mainly in their audit and administrative groups.  Every employee in the company will receive a voicemail this evening telling them if they still have a job that they can show up to tomorrow morning.  This sounds too much like The Lottery to me.  Scary.  You heard it here first.  8:14:48 PM   comments ()  

Drivel:  I had my best day in months today.  I was at the gym by 7am.  I just finished my day at the gym at 8pm.  I had my normal day in between.  The best thing about it is that I pushed my body to its limits tonight.  I pushed it right to the edge where you start to feel like your body is going to go into convulsions and backed off.  Backing off exactly at the right time is the point at which your endorphin release is at its highest in the brain.  It is the best natural high.  It can last for four to six hours for me some times.  I used to be a tri-athlete.  I am tired of saying "I used to be ..." this or that.  "I am going to be ..." again.

My workout consisted of 30 minutes on the recumbent stationary bike and four set of 25 situps in the morning.  My evening workout consistented of four sets of barbell bench press (185lbs and 12 reps; 195lbs and 10 reps; 205lbs and 8 reps; 205lbs and 6 reps), three sets of flat bench dumbbell flyes (50lbs and 8 reps each), two sets of incline dumbbell flyes (40lbs and 10 reps each), three sets of machine tricep extensions (90lbs and 12 reps, 95lbs and 10 reps, 100lbs and 8 reps), three sets of cable pushdowns (120lbs and 8 reps each), and, finally, a hour of spinning.  Tomorrow is a leg day, which I hate but endure.  I use GymAmerica to help me keep track of my workouts and workout history.  8:10:43 PM   comments ()  

Drivel:  I got a chance to download, install, and play with Zope this weekend.  It is quite a powerful product.  I have yet to find a basic authoring interface for Zope quite as nice as Manila or Radio.  However, Zope does pick up where Manila and Radio leave off in terms of security, support for widely accepted languages such as Python and PERL, and scalability for larger sites.  Zope runs just as nicely on my laptop as Radio, which is good.  I think I've found a decent authoring interface for Zope in Squishdot, but I haven't had a chance to build a site with it.  More later.  9:03:52 AM   comments ()  

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Last update: 7/1/03; 7:37:59 AM.

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