But we had confirmed an 8:30 pickup! Disclaimer: I'm back-filling these vacation posts, so you can't really trust the timestamps too much. So just before 8am, the car shows up to take us to the airport. SHE and I think it's easier to deal with the local shared-ride company to haul us to and fro from the airport, thus avoiding long-term parking (aka steal from this car, please, since the owner won't be around for some time to see your work) hassles and the danger of trying to keep a car on the road after a long plane flight. That they use a limo is just a wee bonus to ease one into and out of vacation mode, too. Only problem was they showed up half an hour before they said they would. So we were even more frantic getting out of the house than normal. I tried to stall for a little time by making certain the car seat for the mancub was solidly in place, but we were still rushed. Not an auspicious start, but did have the car all to ourselves for the ride up. Not a fair trade, but not all bad either. 8:55:17 AM [] blah blah blah'd on this![]()