Do you visit the Weblogs you read?
The emergence of cool new RSS Weblog news reading applications like Brent Simmons' NetNewsWire Lite has me wondering how many people are switching to reading their favorite Web sites or even the Mac Net Journal site solely through a news aggregator rather than ever visiting the Web site? [ Mac Net Journal ]
Interesting question, I would bet that there is some lose in weblog traffic resulting from the use RSS readers. I find that there are some weblogs that I rarely visit, but follow what they are writing in the news aggregator.
I can see Rob's concern that people may not see the advertising or Donation buttons on Mac Net Journal if they only read the rss feed.
I wonder if Rob has considered dropping advertisements and his donation link into his rss feed. I am guessing that it wouldn't be too difficult to write a Radio tool that drops an ad or donation link into every 10th post.
10:25:51 PM