Phil Ackley's Radio Thingumabob

daily link  Monday, March 11, 2002

A picture named american_life.jpgSix months ago planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Since then, I've been doing a lot of "historical" reading, revisiting news sites, and blogs from that day, trying to get get some other peoples perspective on the tragedy. One of the most telling archives I've found is the Fark comments thread from that day as it happened.

Living 4 times zones behind the east coast, I was still still sleeping when everything went down. I woke up around 7:30AM Alaska time, and when I turned on my laptop to check the weather forcast, I couldn't believe the headline I was seeing... WORLD TRADE CENTER COLLAPSES - PENTAGON BURNS... or something similar. In it's brevity, the headline didn't mention terrorists, and being half asleep I didn't put two and two together. I flipped to but it was jammed. I turned on the TV, just in time to see an image of the plane hitting the tower, followed by the collapse. Holy fuck. That's all I could think about. I decided I better take a shower and report in to work. While my body was going through the motions of bathing, my mind was repeating this little message: "Fuck, fuck, no. This can't be real. Fuck. Shit. Everything's going to change. FUCK! NO!"

By the time I got to work, my steady stream of profanity had shifted into a little river of prayers.

Now, here's a 9/11 confession that I haven't shared before. September 11 was also the day I realized it was time to put my dog, Maggie, best friend for 13 years, to sleep. Over the weekend her back legs had gone lame. The vet had hope that she could regain her strength, but that afternoon, I realized she was never going to be able to walk again. She'd given up. I called the vet, and we scheduled an appointment for the 12th. Then I cried the rest of the day.

I know it sounds crazy, but the 9/11 attacks, and the Maggie's death are permanently linked in my mind--glued together. And though I know better, I can't help but feeling like the terrorists killed my dog.   7:49:21 PM  permalink     

Uncommon Sense -- You can use Enron accounting at home! - MSN Money: "Now don't try this on your own, especially if you're just "restating your earnings" for the first time. To start, practice telling friends and relatives -- who may be surprised by your sudden accumulation of wealth -- that (as Tyco did recently) you've "reclassified comparative prior-period information.""  6:46:46 PM  permalink     

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Updated: 6/3/02; 9:35:53 PM.