Steve's No Direction Home Page :
If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 11:57:27 AM.


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Friday, January 17, 2003

Ah, lives there a man with soul so dead,
who never to himself hath said
As he hunched and rolled in his comfortable bed:
To hell with the rent... I'll drink instead!

- Hunter S. Thompson, January 17, 1958

11:29:26 PM  Permalink  comment []

Recalling a Storied Trek to Parts Unknown. This weekend marks the 200th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's request to Congress for money that would pay for the exploratory odyssey of Lewis and Clark. By Timothy Egan. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]
What a difference a couple of centuries makes! From Thomas Jefferson to this midget in the White House now. Jefferson asked for money for a great adventure, W is intent on starting a war and not paying for it. Or paying for anything, for that matter.
10:59:50 PM  Permalink  comment []

Cross The Green Mountain

According to an email just received from, the new song, Cross the Green Mountain is available at keyword "FIRST LISTEN" on AOL. On Monday it'll be available at Exciting -- Bob's first new song for us since Love and Theft. More word if and when I hear it...

A few minutes later: Well, I downloaded the stupid AOL client for OSX, and connected. I went to the keyword, but it said "The content you have requested is only available to members connecting thorugh DSL, cable, or other broadband connections." But I am connecting that way, just not using AOL's own network. Fucking stupid software. I got that goddamned AOL acccount a few years ago as a way to get email addresses for everyone, but it's time I hangup the account on these guys.

Later: Thanks to an industrious and generous AOL member, the track is available as an MP3. I'm listening to it now (there is an annoying AOL voice over a couple times during it). I'll refrain from commenting on it for now.

10:40:38 AM  Permalink  comment []

A Riders Digest. I should have expected a country that largely dismisses cycling as a viable mode of transportation would fail to understand the subtlety of riding skills that ultimately led to their plonking a man on the moon.
You don't need to be a cyclist to enjoy the intelligent and generous breadth of content at BikeReader - A Rider's Digest. [MetaFilter]
8:47:18 AM  Permalink  comment []

Suspicious Minds. The Atlantic | January/February 2003 | Purdy The important question, then, is what fosters a trustworthy government. At least part of the answer appears to be interpersonal trust -- the supposition that most other people are trustworthy. Suspicious people are less likely to join associations, follow public events, get to know their neighbors, or make contact with their congresspersons. In fact, they are less likely than others to do just about anything except watch TV and flip off other drivers on the highway. That means they are not the kinds of citizens who are likely to hold government accountable, intelligently and regularly,... [Moon Farmer]
8:06:24 AM  Permalink  comment []

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