...radio free beowulf
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i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Thursday, April 11, 2002

Microsoft Abandons .NET My Services
.."We're sort of in the Hegelian synthesis of figuring out where the products go once they've encountered the reality of the marketplace," said Charles Fitzgerald, general manager of business development for Microsoft's Platform Strategy Group. [WinInformant]

You have to love that quote. They joy of creating products that appear to have no market. Call this the real fall-out of the Anti-Trust case. Other companies are starting to see the cost of partnering with Microsoft. In the end perhaps the same thing will happen with Passport?

MS needs to find ways to turn this around. By finding ways that they can make money without wiping out markets for other companies. The real problem is that in most cases, they are just too good at marketing. They simply want to be too many things to too many people. In doing so they try to grab everything, and that is the root of their problems...mj
6:59:51 PM    

Colorado Neighborhood: We Want Our DSL
Rocky Mountain high-speed Internet access has been tough to come by for inhabitants of a Colorado mountain enclave isolated from connections via digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable modem.

Life in that picturesque country is a laid-back experience, but the past 10 months have been far from mellow for a group of homeowners who wanted DSLs badly enough to rig their own system.

The outcome, if all goes according to plan, could give these folks present-day pioneer status for breaking new ground by overcoming 21st-century obstacles posed by the telecommunications industry, namely Qwest Communications[NewsBytes.com]

It should come as no surprise that Qwest would spend so much time and energy fighting this. After all, they have a corporate policy to fight compettition and maintain the status-quo monopoly anywhere they can. For a company who's seen its stock fall so far, perhaps they ought to try some customer service for a change.

I spoke with an old friend today and he confirmed just how bad things have become inside Qwest. People are afraid of losing their pensions, the company is playing musical chairs with the work and jobs. They have brought in so many contractors, and raised objectives so high that 80% of the employees fail to meet them.

The effect of this is a workforce living in terror, and a company that has the freedom to fire pretty much anyone they want, anytime they want. What a way to drive a company into the ground...mj
4:29:01 PM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 6:10:30 PM.