Uniform Rebirth...
Some things change. The Seattle Seahawks have released their new uniforms and I like them. The colors look good, they just feel right. After the fiasco of the Sonics uniforms from a couple years ago, I was ready to scream. It looks like I won't have to.
I voted for the dark helmet. I think it fits with the overall change. It feels more aggressive. The Seahawks had petitioned the NFL (NO FUN LEAGUE) to be allowed to wear different helmets at home and on the road. The NFL said no, so the team is letting the fans choose which one they will use.
Seattle fans are looking forward to the new season...it marks a rebirth of the franchise. After 25 years we get a new stadium, new duds, and a new feel to the team. The off-season has been a good one for the team as they have made good moves and picked up the right pieces. The move to the NFC West is going to be an interesting one. I have been a Rams fan all of my life. This year I get to see them as the enemy for the first time. That's ok, as a kid I was a huge Raiders fan, and I learned how to hate them...mj
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