...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Friday, March 1, 2002

Big Brother Will Watch You?
A picture named stoppoliceware_gray_125x125.gifThe SSSCA is a bill proposed in Congress by Senators Fritz Hollings (D-SC) and Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). The acronym stands for "Security Systems Standards and Certification Act".

It's policeware! You will be monitored, you will be arrested if you remove it from your computer, VCR, DVD Player, or any other device...welcome to "1984." THINK CORRECT, or you may wind up in jail -- Sign the Online petition to stop the SSSCA! If you calue your freedom...mj
2:08:29 PM    

We Are All Criminals...
Screw the Music Industry - they have screwed you for years!...the best expression of this comes from Recording Industry Ass. of America President Hillary Rosen, who wrote yesterday that, "surely, no one can expect copyright owners to ignore what is happening in the marketplace and fail to protect their creative works because some people engage in copying just for their personal use."

The bold is my emphasize..."some people"! That implies that all of us are criminals. Hillary Rosen has staked out the boundaries for the Music Industries Jihad against it's own customers. Simply said, there are no limits with these people. They are trying to save a dying system. Trying to prop up the trough from which they have feed for so many years. They want you to have to pay for one copy in you PC, One for your Stereo, and another for you car. Think about it...

Sit down and take the time to read my new heros testimony[pdf] to Congress. Mr. Leslie L. Vadasz, nailed the subject. "Consumer rights...in accordance with what the law permits, would be greatly diminished if the studios' [Music Industry] "wish list"...were fully implemented." That says it all...way to go Mr. Vadasz!...mj

Jihad [Jehad, Je*had] n. [Ar. jih[=a]d.]
A religious war against infidels or Mohammedan heretics; also, any bitter war or crusade for a principle or belief.
10:24:46 AM    

See the laser beams?If Looks Could Kill...
The glance Sherron Watkins gives her ex-boss tells us all we need to know about Enron's sexual politics

There's a photograph on the front of the New York Times Wednesday that says so much about sexual politics and the workplace hustle...[Salon]

Great article on the crime that will not go away...you must read it to the end...as always, sex plays a role in this story, and in a rather pointed way...mj
12:14:41 AM    

Bush, Cheney champion privacy...not!
Every new president pledges to do the public's business in the open and promises to cooperate with that co-equal branch of government, Congress. But all presidents soon think twice about those promises. They inevitably start pulling down the shades and complaining that Congress is intruding on their presidential powers. [USAToday]

Hail to the Thief! They release documents that will hurt Clinton, but refuse to release documents that appear to hurt them. This whole story is all about COVER-UP!! Do not for a moment be fooled by their lies...mj
12:07:08 AM    

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Stop Policeware!

Screw the Music Industry - they have screwed you for years!

© Copyright 2003, Michael Jardeen.
Last update: 10/9/03; 5:54:44 PM.