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daily link image Monday, March 4, 2002

Microsoft Offers to Commit Suicide
Microsoft Corp. plans to argue in court hearings next week that if antitrust sanctions sought by state prosecutors are granted, the company would be forced to pull its latest Windows computer operating systems off the market and be unable to develop new systems. [Washington Post]

...stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! Of all the moronic arguments I have ever heard this is the stupidest yet. If I were the judge I would slap the attorney silly for even speaking such a stupid idea. Great...then the court seizes Windows as a public asset and makes it open source. "Doomsday defense" my a**. This will have to go down as one of the most obscene arguments in a case that has featured many dumb arguments....mj

Stupid Stu"pid, a. [L. stupidus, fr. stupere to be stupefied: cf. F. stupide.]

  1. Very dull; insensible; senseless; wanting in understanding; heavy; sluggish; in a state of stupor; -- said of persons.
  2. Resulting from, or evincing, stupidity; formed without skill or genius; dull; heavy; -- said of things.

3:20:39 PM    

idealab!...where bad ideas are born!
ideabomb! - bad ideas made expensiveThe William Morris talent agency and investment bank Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin were among 25 new plaintiffs to join a pending mismanagement lawsuit against Idealab, a formerly high-flying high-tech "incubator," an attorney for the plaintiffs said on Sunday. [Yahoo Business]

...more dotbomb fallout. We are going through a period of ugly corporate accountability and idealabs! is one of the poster childs of dotbomb madness. From eToys, Eve and NetZero, these folks 'incubated' more bombs than anyone. What I like is their statement that it's all 'sour grapes'. Well...good luck drinking the vinegar you've made from those grapes...mj
10:47:12 AM    

Enron '...board vacancies hard to fill'
enron - the house that scadal builtThe Enron scandal may make it difficult for companies to fill vacancies on their board or audit committees, according to top US executives. At their semi-annual meeting in Florida last week, members of the Business Council, an association of chief executives from some of the largest US companies, said the energy trader's collapse would make executives question whether the benefits of board membership outweighed the risks. [Financial Times]

Take a deep breath and repeat after me..."I will not rip off little old ladies pensions." The real problem here is that we have an environment where board members might have to work. Many board members do nothing except lend their names to the company and attend few [if any] of the monthly meetings. Many board members sit on 3-5 other boards. Most of the time they get to do next to nothing for the stock and money they receive. Now that they might have to work...and heaven forbid, be accountable for their companies actions...let's run away and hide!...mj
7:44:50 AM    

House Cool to Copy Protection
Key legislators in the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives aren't keen on embedding copy protection controls in consumer electronic devices. Declan McCullagh and Robert Zarate report from Washington. [Wired News]

...guess this is one case where I have to thank the republicans. We can only hope that pressure will mount on both sides and as a result nothing gets done. CP [copy protection] is a threat to every media device you own. Remeber this is the reason that DAT died...the industry killed it because they feared it. Of course CDR has become a much bigger issue for CP. It's funny to remember the SCSI, 2x CDR I had that when new, cost over $500...mj
7:36:01 AM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 5:55:34 PM.