...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Monday, March 11, 2002

Andersen in Death Spiral...
Two Peas in a Pod!So it's Monday! The beginning of the week. Of course if you're Arthur Andersen it just means more bad news...and a last gasp to get something out of all this.

In the past two weeks they have lost client after client. The latest are FedEx (28 year client) and Riggs National. Add this to Merck (30 yrs, largest account), Freddy Mac, and Delta (53 years!!!!!). With this rush to the lifeboats, can Andersen hope to live??

So if you're at Andersen and you need to get your money out before the house falls to pieces...what do you do....merge or sell off your assets to another company. So they are in talks with with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (parents of Deloitte & Touche). Sounds like snake-oil to me...you want to bet that the Bush Administration lets them get away with a slap on the hand...and the money just moves somewhere else.

The joy of being in business!!!...mj
7:18:55 PM    

Some Companies.....
I never will do business with Wells-Fargo Bank. I will make sure that I bad mouth them to as many people as possible. We have requested an extension on our car loan. I am unemployed and in the midst of job hunting. Toyota Motor Credit was asked for the same and responded in a respectful, quick manner. WF on the other hand has dragged it out and now wants the January payment before they will do anything...nice. The only issue is that we do not have the money...since we have paid other bills. I am not sure what I am going to do. They of course will Repo the car if they do not get a response

Spoke with a nice lady from the WA Dept of Revenue. They are trying to figure out how to rule on my unemployment status. The issue determines if I will get any money....the company of course does not want to pay, since it would cost them. In the meantime we have no money, live off my wifes' paycheck...and the kindness of friends. The problem is that I fall under many of the guidelines that determine my status as an employee. In the meantime I just talk to creditors, apply for jobs and try to enjoy my stressed out family...mj
2:07:11 PM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 5:57:12 PM.