...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Saturday, March 23, 2002

DMCA, Google, CoS and Censorship...
This is just plain wrong. That Scientology can use the DMCA to block opinions, violates everything this country was founded on! It cuts to the heart of what makes this nation great. If we are not free to criticize the actions and beliefs of an organization, then where does it stop.

Xenu.net and Clambake.org are enemies of CoS. They expose the beliefs of this so-called church. They let people see the story behind the cult and it's practices. We need to support our First Amendment Rights. If we do not stand at the barricades today, then who knows where we will end up. Between the DMCA, and the SSSCA we face a perilous future for all of our Rights. Remember that the most prominent CoS members are all from the entertainment industry (Tom Cruise, John Travolta). I implore you to read the information and draw your own conclusions. Perhaps you might even agree with them, that is what freedom is all about...mj

Cult (k?lt) n .[F. culte, L. cultus]

  1. : adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices
  2. : an interest followed with exaggerated zeal: "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"

11:16:40 AM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 6:00:53 PM.