...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
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Oceans Edge

daily link image Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Wells Fargo Stinks...
The joy of banks -- they do not please me, at lest the big ones do not. I bank with a nice small bank called Pacific Northwest Bank. and get fantastic service. I gave been with them since 1988, right after they opened.

ATM fees are obscene. Most banks have milked this for all the profit they can. Between all the fees that get charged, it is amazing we have money left over. Sadly I have an Auto Loan through WF and it has not been a happy experience.

This past Friday I had to go into a branch...three moments of truth came out of this:

  1. It has taken over two months to get my loan extension taken care of. Needless to say, Wells Fargo had been less than helpful. They keep moving me from one person to another. They keep changing the rules. Ten days ago they decided out of the blue that I had to pay the January payment before they would give me the loan extension. Nice, really nice to dop that out of the blue. Also it would now be a two month rather than three month extension. Big deal...well Toyota Motor Credit gave me an extension in a heartbeat, with no run-around, and no insulting calls from collectors who had not bothered to read the account notes before calling!!
  2. As I stood in line I saw a sign with an announcement...as of April 1st WF would now charge you $5.00 to cash a check drawn on a WF account if you do not have an account with them. Nice, really nice. Let me get this straight...you charge me to take money out of one of your accounts?!?
  3. As I stood there, a young woman broke out in tears saying that this was the fifth time she had been in to get a "power of atty" ok'd and they kept changing the requirements. She had paid twice to get it notarized. Now they wanted one more signature...
Life is full of moments of truth...Wells Fargo Bank sucks, plain and simple!...mj

5:15:06 PM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 6:06:39 PM.