...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Monday, April 29, 2002

Los Angeles riot...a decade later
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- The verdicts seemed incomprehensible to a city that had seen the videotape of black motorist Rodney King's beating by police countless times.

Ten years ago Monday, a jury in the Los Angeles suburb of Simi Valley acquitted the four white Los Angeles police officers who had been caught on home video repeatedly clubbing King, who had led them on a car chase after they tried to stop him for speeding. [CNN]

Ten years, and how have things changed? Are we any better? Have we learned any lessons? Today the issue is black men being shot dead by white police.

Is it really an issue? In every case in this area, the other party either had a gun, or was known to have used a gun recently. One lesson taught to me by someone many years ago...if you pull a gun on a police officer, you can expect to die. It's as simple as that...gun=death!

The issue is perception. The issue is a system that is designed to only benefit the rich and powerful. A tax structure that only serves to expand the perception that the richer get richer, while the poor just stay poor...mj
8:10:41 AM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 6:18:52 PM.