...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Thursday, July 25, 2002

Paul visits Microsoft...
Gates isn't looking so goodPaul Andrews takes a look at the present and the future of Microsoft. My favorite quote:

"Microsoft lowered its research spending last year after pledging more than $5 billion, and the company has few successes in original products and new markets to show for its expenditures."

I'd feel more optimistic about R&D at Microsoft if the company could point to a single successful original product to emerge from R&D expenditure.

They're at it again. MS has pledged to spend, guess what...$5+ billion on R&D! It's called talking out of both sides of your mouth, and delivering very little...of course there was BOB!...mj
9:42:31 PM    

I Hate ATT...
Have you ever had your wife come walking in with a bill, stare at you, hand it to you, and then say those words you dread to hear..."you deal with it!"

Last night I had one of those moments. My wife handed me the cable TV bill. $70 a month. Remember when you paid $28.00 and marveled at the technology. Well, with rate hikes and service changes, and smooth sales pitches we had every service under the sun.

So I'm back looking at dish service again. I am also trying to figure out how to reduce the bill with ATT. Have you tried to navigate their web site? I did, it sucks. I mean it's really bad. The ultimate insult was when the thing kept crashing my browser on the channel lineup page. It uses JSP, it doesn't work, at least not for me.

I tried other places. There are plans that cost less, but they don' t just have a simple list of channels. No, I have to list my address, and then it tells me very little, and when I look for the detail...crash. I tried calling them. The rep who took my call said "Goodnight", and hung up. When I called back the office was closed...hmmmm.

As I've said many times....customer service is dead...mj
7:17:22 PM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 7:00:46 PM.