dimanche 15 septembre 2002

Shit, merde, today i got my left hand in plaster after a small surgery, due to a small cut with some broken glass. 3 weeks with the plaster. Hopefuly i hope i can type with my 2 hands because typing with one hand sucks. Well, many people do and seems very happy with it Anyway, Lord Murphy, please send me how many bugs as you want, but don't break my hand anymore!
12:18:14 AM     

JY ça va aller pour le lancement de Radio France ? As-tu pensé à assurer tes mains ?

9:21:27 AM  #   

  The myelin blogging ecosystem is now past 9,000 blogs. Like Google, it values linkage: Most linked is "what other people think of you" and Most prolific linkers is "what you think of other people." I think those may be a bit more interprative than the list requires.
  I'm thinking we need more felicitous nouns here, like "blinkor" (for a blog linker) and "blinkee" (for a blog linkee).

In any case, it's interesting to me that this pays no attention to traffic. I mean, hey, Glenn Reynolds got something like 200,000 visits on 9/11, and I got about 1/100th of that. But we're about tied on both lists in the blogging ecosystem. [Doc]


9:17:26 AM  #