Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Sunday, January 12, 2003


A directory of HipLogs

Scripting News -> A directory of HipLogs. They're just getting started. Photos of people doing dorky things. What else is there? [Scripting News]

8:14:04 PM  comment []    


The revolution will be syndicated

hiplog headlines can be syndicated -> Your hiplog headlines can be syndicated on other news sites using your blog's RSS channel. RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a standard way for blog sites to share information with each other. The XML image on your hiplog page links to the RSS channel for your hiplog. Look for this image: XML

3:49:06 PM  comment []    


80211b News -> The roadmap for wireless network authentication in WPA and 802.11i: The result of weeks of research, my InfoWorld article on 802.1x/EAP, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and PEAP will hopefully distill a lot of confusing acronyms into a clear path for how we get from disparate solutions today to a single secure method in the future of logging wireless users onto a corporate network without a VPN.

[80211b News]
3:03:02 PM  comment []    


Gizmodo -> RCA's personal video player.

rd2780.jpgAlmost missed this in the gadget avalanche that is CES: The new LYRA Audio/Video Jukebox from RCA. The RD2780 has a 20GB hard drive, and a 3.5-inch LCD screen. For audio it supports MP3, MP3Pro, and Windows Media Audio, but it doesn't say what kinds of video files the RD2780 will play, just "multiple video codecs." Comes out this summer with a suggested retail price of $399.

2:53:19 PM  comment []    


Smart Mobs -> Danger Hiplog Moblogging Site. Got a hiptop? Then spit it out!

Hiplog is blogging by hiptop. Send email from your hiptop to The subject of your message becomes the title of your hiplog entry. The text of your message become the text of the entry. Want to make your hiplog a photojournal? Take snapshots with your hiptop and send them to hiplog. It's as easy as sending email. [Smart Mobs]

2:51:08 PM  comment []    


Benefits of a standard media management object model

Marc's Voice -> Benefits of a standard media management object model.

My comments:

The "high level" view of your standard media management object model is shaping up nicely. The only point I'm having a hard time understanding and need clarification is "The goal of a standard media management object model is to enable end-users to have their media in ONE PLACE".

In what context do you mean "ONE PLACE"?

I trying to understand what you mean by "ONE PLACE" and since you capitalized it must be inportant.

Do you mean moving the media file(s) away from the locked up 'on-line storage system' to the public Internet 'on-line storage system'. In that context "ONE PLACE" would mean public Internet.

Or does "ONE PLACE" mean one server for all my media. audio files, video files, etc.

The standard media management object model job should be to separate media storage from blog/publishing system content/html storage.

In the near future bloggers will be faced with many choices to where to store their media files on the open cloud.

Maybe vendor X has the interface I need to send audio files to my audio blog from my WIFI notebook and vendor Y has the proper protocol I need to embed photos in my blog from my cell phone camera. I also may have my own server outside my firewall that stores different media files that I upload from my home PC.

At the end of the day, my blog doesn't care where the media is. As far the blog is concerned, "my media" is no different than the media in all the other users/systems. That's the magic of the blog. Hypertext and html pull "all the media" together to make that difference transparent. The magic is performed by the blogging client tools.

Media in "ONE PLACE" in this context sounds to much like 'lock in'.

The media management object model shouldn't care if the media is my media or their media or where on the open cloud/sky the media file is.

8:43:36 AM  comment []    


Let keep it simple. Why not use RSS 2.0?

My comments to: Marc Canter: Proposal for Open Media Management Servers


Let keep it simple. Why not use RSS 2.0?

The fact is the media islands will continue to grow and multiply. Each system, as you said has it's own internal system for storing the media and it's attributes. What we need is the "shared public interface" to the appropiate attributes needed for inclusion in blogging and other publishing communities.

To start, why not use something simple like RSS. This method worked well so far to boot-strap and connect the blogging community. All we need is to get the media server vendors to publish updated RSS XML files that contain the necessary meta data (using the appropaite RSS 2.0 module for the media). We (the blogging community) could than pull the RSS files using our newsreaders and client blogging tools for integration into our blogs. In this model you pull your own RSS file just like you pull someone elses in the community.

Services like , google, etc. could develop around the media server vendors production of these new media type RSS files.

As history has shown, this method keeps things simple and easy for the vendors to support.

8:17:49 AM  comment []    

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