Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Tuesday, January 28, 2003


Audio and video in the digital home

Scott Mace's Radio Weblog -> Audio and video in the digital home -> In-Stat/MDR reports that moving multimedia around the home will result in the first commercially popular bridges between the data and entertainment devices in the house. [RatcliffeBlog: Business, Technology & Investing]

[Scott Mace's Radio Weblog]
6:20:42 PM  comment []    


Can your cell phone impair your vision?

CNET -> Can your cell phone impair your vision?. Talking to someone on a phone while driving gives you "tunnel vision" and reduces response time by about 20 percent, according to a new study. [CNET]

6:07:48 AM  comment []    


Everything you've ever wanted to know about Bluetooth

Gizmodo -> Everything you've ever wanted to know about Bluetooth.

For some reason this week everybody has decided to publish a guide to wireless. LAN Addict has one of their own, this one covering Bluetooth and everything you'd ever want to know about it.

6:01:06 AM  comment []    


Pocket PC + WiFi

Gizmodo -> Pocket PC + WiFi.

And for those who are sticking a little closer to home, ExtremeMHz has a guide adding a Pocket PC to your wireless network.

5:21:33 AM  comment []    

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