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Saturday, February 08, 2003


Community WiFi + digital cameras = video samizdata

Boing Boing Blog -> Community WiFi + digital cameras = video samizdata. Good account of broadcasting live video over community wireless networks.

The most important result is that the concept is valid: the current consumer-level technology, coupled with broad-band Internet, offers viable framework for distributed TV production and distribution via the Internet.

Connectivity and bandwidth found in Bryant Park was sufficient enough for the Internet broadcast to the MNN headquarters. While we stayed in the range of 500-800 kbps range, we did not fined any significant bandwidth congestion.

Link Discuss (Thanks, Bruce!) [Boing Boing Blog]
1:49:29 PM  comment []    


Little radio history from Surfing the Aether ->

A lone figure hunched over a desk - intent on the challenge of locating just the right spot. The search for information from somewhere in the world, not knowing who or why...until He finds it. He works with parts purchased at the local supplier, scrounged, mail ordered, and carefully assembled.
His friend down the road has just bought a complete system...which was obsolete before it hit the shelves at the store. Technology is changing that fast.

 The year was 1926 - over 74 years ago. He is working on his radio receiver - and like you, is one of those pioneers exploring and defining what the new media will become.

Broadcasting Begins - 1920's

1920-1929 - Early Broadcasting


Marconi establishes the first short-wave radio link between London and Birmingham, England on 20 Megacycles.

Although most experimenters and pioneers used the longer waves, Marconi never did fully abandon his efforts to use the short-wave bands.

Westinghouse builds a 100 watt radio station in a little shack atop its nine story factory in Pittsburgh... KDKA.

November 2, 1920, Frank Conrad and Donald Little broadcast election returns from 8:00PM till after Midnight- an event that is credited with starting a rush to build stations, and purchase receivers. ( 91 K Wav) not the actual broadcast, but an interesting re-creation)
KDKA KDKA Rooftop Shack in the early 1920's
By late in the year, radio is being acclaimed as the newest form of entertainment for the home.
Just a little radio song

9:40:53 AM  comment []    


Larry Lessig is speaking at Princeton on Feb 20, webcast

Scripting News -> Larry Lessig is speaking at Princeton on Feb 20, webcast.

VideoNet Web Cast 56K 300K 56K 300K

[Scripting News]

9:32:21 AM  comment []    

dailywireless ->

  • StepUp Computing's $800 WebTablet (above) runs Lindows 3.0 and is expected to ship in the early part of 2003. This is a full powered webtablet with a 20 Gig HD, 677Mhz Transmeta and 8.4", 640x480 color LCD. It will cost about $800. [dailywireless]

8:50:34 AM  comment []    


Reflecting on last Saturday's disaster (from a news web blogging multimedia perspective)

Space Shuttle Columbia on the launch pad, Jan. 28, 2003

My plans for last Saturday were changed by the Columbia disaster.

I had planned to write a piece as a followup to my BlogArt piece. 

The piece was to speak from a technical level about the root of a Media Management System, the Media database. 

As I began to gather my thoughts I noticed on my Radio news reader that the Columbia disaster had happened.  My Saturday plans changed to Columbia shuttle multimedia blogging as I looked to the Web for Columbia shuttle multimedia objects to integrate into thats day's blog posts.

These questions kept coming up

As I searched the Web for Columbia multimedia objects these questions kept coming up: 

Why is it so hard to find and incorporate multimedia into a blog?

Where are all the Texas bloggers?  As I looked for amateur photos of the disaater from bloggers, I couldn''t convince myself that not one blogger took out their digital camera to shoot a few photos of the Columbia shuttle objects scattered over 5 states for posting on their blog. 

Note: Yesterday I saw many photos on blogs from NorthEast bloggers about the February snow storm.

What happened last Saturday?  Was I looking in the wrong places?


It is not easy today to include existing web page multimedia objects into our blog posts.  In my opinion this is mainly because most web page multimedia objects are weaved into the context of the web page without the intention for them to be picked up as separate multimedia objects imbeaded into another context or webpage/blog post.  

With multimedia objects such as straming video the process today is much more than just cut and paste.  As I found multimedia objects such as steaming telecasts I had to spend alot of time trying to understand the html source to get the information needed to create html tags to embed in my blog posts. 

There's got to be a better way to find and weave time sensitive, news specific multimedia objects into our blog posts.

Last Saturday's days experience just further identified the need for new tools and a new achitecture to assist users/bloggers/web publishers to productively integrate multimedia objects into web pages and blog posts.

6:55:57 AM  comment []    

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