Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Saturday, February 22, 2003


Kid stuff

Scripting News -> Pam: "I've been hit up all day by kids wanting me to do audio blogs with them."

She uses an audio blogging tool from Macromedia.

 [Scripting News]

4:24:16 PM  comment []    


cool interactive name badges

Robert Scoble: Scobleizer Weblog -> For those of you starting new conferences (Alan Meckler, are you paying attention?) there's a really cool new weblog in town: Doug Fox. He founded the "EventWeb newsletter" which is still the best place to keep up on the event planning industry. Today he is talking about cool interactive name badges. I wonder if they can be made cost-effective enough to get widespread adoption. I'd love to see these at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference.

[Robert Scoble: Scobleizer Weblog]
10:32:02 AM  comment []    


Generation text

Scripting News -> On this day in 1999, an essay that explains the breakthrough that led to Manila. "We're working on a new breed of content management software, putting the editorial tools right where the writers want them, in the web browser. When they're looking at a bit of text it's just a matter of clicking on a button to edit it. As a writer, this is what I've always wanted when working on the web. Remembering two locations, one for the browser and one on my local desktop, is too taxing for my mind. The flow stops, I have to use my brain to find the stuff to edit, and you'd be amazed how many times that extra work makes me forget why I was going there in the first place." [Scripting News]

In my opinion, the next big breakthrough happens when we can keep the flow moving when using the web browser with text and our multi-media.  This time it is not just on my local desktop.  It's everywhere!!  Distributed throughout the Internet ie. web photo albums, audioblogs, phoneblogs, weblogs, websites, etc. How do we find it the second we need it? How to we organize it?   H.G.

9:42:22 AM  comment []    


Isn't exactly what Dave's been waiting for

Scripting News -> Audblog sounds like something I've been waiting for. Uh oh. The sign up page says you have to have a weblog with one of the supported tools, but the popup menu only has Blogger in it. Ooops. Uhhh. Bummer. Guess I'll have to keep waiting.

It isn't exactly what I've been waiting for. I think they're doing too much, I don't want them posting to my weblog, I want them to send me a URL of the MP3 they create via email, and I'll link to it from my weblog. If someone with a weblog can't manage that, it ain't much of a weblog.

 [Scripting News]

8:23:49 AM  comment []    


Why Did Google Want Blogger?

Wired News -> Why Did Google Want Blogger?. Google's recent purchase of Pyra Labs, maker of a weblogging tool called Blogger, has generated much speculation about why the popular search engine did the deal. One man who worked closely with Pyra thinks he knows the answer. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]

8:19:38 AM  comment []    


Carnegie-Mellon smartmobs presentation

Smart Mobs -> Carnegie-Mellon smartmobs presentation.

Neema Moraveji, a human-computer interaction grad student at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, just gave a presentation on smart mobs, wireless socialization, and the mobile economy. Check out his Webbed thoughts: .ppt presentation, a video of the presentation, and a video presentation on smart mobs.

[Smart Mobs]
6:43:26 AM  comment []    


Ivan's adventures in weblog space

Joi Ito's Web -> Ivan's adventures in weblog space. A story about how Ivan, a meme, is created by Alice and makes his way through weblog space. I wrote this little story to try to illustrate how microcontent cruises through blogs. I try to include all of the applications and services that I use regularly when I blog. It's probably a good place to start in inspiring me to make my glossary. If anyone notices any technical mistakes or things I should add to make this story more interesting, I would greatly appreciate it. [Joi Ito's Web]

6:21:41 AM  comment []    

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