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Friday, February 14, 2003


Techie question of the day

FTP: Better Than HTTP, Or Obsolete? [Slashdot]

6:55:39 AM  comment []    


Microcontent Research Center proposal

Marc's Voice -> Microcontent Research Center. Microcontent Research Center proposal.

Liz and Alex's proposal is out. I wish them success!

This is a proposal to establish a Microcontent Research Center housed at the Rochester Institute of Technology, in collaboration with faculty at the University at Buffalo. The center would sponsor, collect, and disseminate research on the topic of microcontent publishing—in particular, weblogs (or “blogs”)—as a tool for collaborative teaching, learning, and research. It would sponsor regular workshops and colloquia on the topic of microcontent publishing in specific academic and pedagogical contexts, and would engage in collaborative activities with other US-based educational institutions, as well as organizations in other countries currently pursuing related research (specifically Norway, Austria, and Japan).

[Seb's Open Research]

I wonder if they'll also study reviews, conversations, family albums, topics and other new forms of micro-content?

[Marc's Voice]
6:02:19 AM  comment []    


BlogOnRadio: America's Voice

BlogOnRadio: America's Voice

RatcliffeBlog: Business, Technology & Investing -> BlogOnRadio: America's Voice -> "Doc blogged yesterday about a blog-like radio program, suggesting that people could simply read postings. Ironically, I've been discussing this with a group that can make it happen and have even contacted a few of you in the blogosphere about participating. See, as an old media guy, I'm just sick to death with the way we get information today. It seems to me that the pose of a journalist covering an atrocity--committed by anyone, anywhere--ought not to be passive objectivity, but actually outraged, like a person should be when they see suffering and blood. Instead, we get ABC's Good Morning America taking us on a trip back to the 1950s with a story about how to turn your laundry room into a fallout shelter. Any thinking reporter should be vomiting on camera at the thought of participating in such hysteria.

That honest emotion would make a connection with audiences, just as a great blog posting gets a hundred people blogging in response. That emotive quality is what has made the Conservative press so effective in recent years--unfortunately, that has been mostly about negative issues, though even the rightist talk shows are now openly questioning the curtailing of rights in the United States, and more power to them for that.

A blog-like radio program would have some readings from a blog each day, but it would also connect bloggers to argue and conduct interviews. There is an important distinction between blogs and a radio show, which requires a variety of voices and segments that complement one another. The best bloggers on any subject have already identified themselves as thoughtful and clever people, so it follows they can probably carry a conversation, or be taught to, in front of a microphone. It would put individual citizens in the interviewer's seat to conduct interviews with politicians and newsmakers, removing the "professional" journalist, who has become jaded and sensationalist in order to win audience share. The really good journalists would find a way to participate, but they wouldn't have a monopoly.

I've got the tools and the production network to make this work. Business reality is that we need sponsors to pay for the production, which I am working on. Anyone want to join the campaign? We need to raise sponsorship monies (and we'll compensate them that brings sponsors). We need contributors (and I hope we can find a way to pay early in the process). We need energy. Send me mail."

[RatcliffeBlog: Business, Technology & Investing]
5:54:55 AM  comment []    

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