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Tuesday, February 18, 2003


Equal access

evhead -> All access.. A lot of people are wondering if the Blogger/Google thing will mean a disadvantage to any non-Blogger user in terms of getting their content indexed (in the regular index, or a blog-specific one, or whatever). We haven't talked about it. (I doubt it even [evhead]

8:00:11 AM  comment []    


The Annotated Web

Ross Mayfield's Weblog -> Annotated Web ->

Some interesting notes from a Larry Page talk by Brad DeLong points to how the Pyra acquisition may have Google returning to its roots...

Larry Page: "It wasn't that we intended to build a search engine. We built a ranking system to deal with annotations. We wanted to annotate the web--build a system so that after you'd viewed a page you could click and see what smart comments other people had about it. But how do you decide who gets to annotate Yahoo? We needed to figure out how to choose which annotations people should look at, which meant that we needed to figure out which other sites contained comments we should classify as authoritative. Hence PageRank.

"Only later did we realize that PageRank was much more useful for search than for annotation..."...Interested in reversing the web structure to view annotations--transclusion. [Google Weblog]

[Ross Mayfield's Weblog]
7:57:23 AM  comment []    


The meaning of search

RatcliffeBlog: Business, Technology & Investing -> The meaning of search

Looking at the Google acquisition of Pyra (Blogger). There is a very important barrier between data and making it meaningful. The Google API is a very powerful instrument for shaping searches from various perspectives. Likewise, remember when the company was criticized for introducing its automated news gathering service -- "no editors! God forbid," the press cawed.

The acquisition of Blogger gives Google a channel to put its automated searching capabilities into people's hands in a very meaningful way. This can be applied in a variety of markets, including the enterprise, but also raises Google's potential to reshape the Net by focusing on how links are made and managed.

UPDATE: Evan Williams doesn't explain much about what will happen in his Bloogleplications posting about selling Pyra, but I'll guarantee this is the basic idea after hearing the questions Sergey Brin was asking at lunch during Supernova.

Consider Autonomy, another data-mining/search player, just announced its collaboration with Hutchison's 3G efforts. Though it has been primarily aimed at the enterprise, Autonomy is using its beachhead with carriers to expand into commercial search/data delivery:

"Due to the display and bandwidth requirements of mobile phones and ...handheld devices, Hutchison 3G needed a solution that could deliver highly relevant information in real-time to their subscribers," said Dr. Mike Lynch, CEO and co-founder of Autonomy. "Autonomy will provide a scaleable infrastructure that automatically links related information as it becomes available."

Context, context, context. It's what media has done for us and that we're now taking on ourselves. The question is whether Blogger is the right channel. The Blogger API is a good start, but there is a much wider range of media than text that needs integrating. AudBlog, which was demo'd during the Live from the Blogoshere event deals with capturing phoned-in sound, but there are a wide range of media types, from MIDI files created by sound engineers and music, to pictures, video and streams (vs. downloadable files).

We're going to see a ton of activity around various data formats, a metaBlogger API, XML-RPC, Jabber and many other hooks, a veritable media scaffolding being built for a new mode of expression. Get ready for a fast ride and keep a level head.

[RatcliffeBlog: Business, Technology & Investing]
7:53:12 AM  comment []    

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