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Saturday, August 3, 2002    permalink
Goliath, He Dead!

I came, I coded, I conquered... w00t!

Damn, that took a long time.

I have rassled the database into submission, and it now obligingly spits out 600 perfect .htm or .asp calendar pages in mere minutes. I hope to god I can sell this solution to another client and amortize the ridiculous amount of sweat equity I put into it. I now understand all too well why most calendaring applications suck.

Over the weekend I'll be writing a zillion emails to people I've neglected for weeks, taking a hike in the countryside to shake the edema out of my ankles that comes from sitting in an office chair too long, and ~ I hope ~ making something physical with my hands (you know, like a real OBJECT instead of a bunch of ethereal bits 'n' bytes).

12:46:56 AM    please comment []

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Last updated: 11/10/02; 3:07:50 PM.
Comments by: YACCS
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