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Wednesday, August 28, 2002   

The cat is in the house.

So far, not a single problem. And I'm having my first actual iChat with the author of Time's Shadow as we speak.

Ooops, spoke too soon. I'm popping in and out of iChat like a soap bubble. Weird!

[Update: temporary weirdness ended. Now fully Jaguar both at home and in the office. Schweet!]

9:23:02 PM      

Can you say 'mise en abyme'?

It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.

A memetics experiment - pass it along.

Life in the Aggregator. An Experiment: Life in the Aggregator. How far can it travel?  Please play by passing it along, including all source links... [] I'm willing to play [McGee's Musings]

There we go.

[via Seb's Open Research]

12:07:49 PM      

Body Image

In today's entry in the Wayback Journal, I wrote:

Now I'm really getting into the "body beautiful" and making my body an efficient and healthy vessel for my soul, or mind or meness. Being attractive and intelligent, combining the best of two worlds, to win what I want in the field I want to win it in. Or to be strong enough to choose not to win, if I want to. I must be whole first to accomplish these things, whole as a person, as a body and mind joined together.

Oh, if only it were so simple. The program sounds really good. I understood the idea. Unfortunately, as time goes by you'll see what becomes of my idea of the body beautiful.

2:00:59 AM      

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Last updated: 9/2/02; 3:36:18 PM.
Comments by: YACCS
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